Dienstag, 01.04.2025
3 / 10°C
Mi, 02.04.
Leicht bewölkt
4 / 16°C
Leicht bewölkt
Do, 03.04.
7 / 19°C
Fr, 04.04.
7 / 20°C

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Begonnen von Oval 5, 15.02.2013, 23h33

vorheriges - nächstes

Oval 5

ZitatLimerick animal Welfare

LAW - Pat, Lurcher, m, wb, *2012 icon_arrow.gif

Pat came to us with mange but this is being treated and soon
he will be looking for that home he only ever dreamed of getting.
Pat, a lurcher, is only 1 yr old and lovely all the dogs here at LAW

Ich kann kein Update finden, aber der Hund ist nicht länger in der Vermittlung und LAW
würde NIEMALS  einen Hund grundlos einschläfern lassen. Wir können also davon ausgehen,
daß dieser schöne Kerl längst in seinem Zuhause irgendwo zwischen Europa und Amerika
sein Leben genießt. 

Oval 5

ZitatDog Rescue Coolronan

REHOMED  blumen_2.gif

still available Juli-August  icon_arrow.gif

Orchid, Lurcher, f, b, *2012 icon_arrow.gif

These two babies Desert and Orchid were handed in today hadnt
the room but how could I refuse them say they are sisters about
a year old. The black one is not in to bad of condition apart from
fleas, and sarcoptic mange as you can see by the pics the fawn
one is a lot worse very thin, fleas, sarcoptic mange and her ears
are in bits she is very sore all over and looks like she has a hernia
as well. Will get them both vet checked tomorrow.

Oval 5

 Sylvester.gif "REHOMED* 2013 via Lurcher SOS


ZitatDundalk Dog Rescue

Maddie icon_arrow.gif

Maddie - ** Currently in foster **

Zitat von: Louth CoCo Pound

Maddie - Grey / white Lurcher female 1yo 7060tc icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

Es gibt eine aktuelle Grafik für die Hunde, die einen Platz suchen.
Diese hier geht als Zeichen für die Vermittlungserfolge in den entsprechenden Thread unter "Zu Hause angekommen/Rehomed"

Glencarraig Dog Rescue - Border Terriers/Greyhounds/Lurchers
Dogs for rehoming


Edit update, 11.6.13
Fritz - REHOMED  blumen_2.gif

Jet - REHOMED  blumen_2.gif

Borris muß längst ein zu Hause haben.
Damit sind alle Hunde von dieser Grafik unter gekommen!
Eine neue Liste poste ich mit den entsprechenden Links.

Oval 5

ZitatCork Dog Action Welfare Group

Edit 24.6.13 - nicht mehr in der Vermittlung?

Maja icon_arrow.gif

Our young Grey Girls

As you know we are always promoting greyhounds and lurchers as pets. At the moment we
have many many looking for homes. It is so well worth going meeting these noble dogs who
are gentle and loving and good with other dogs. We have 2 young greyhounds who were
surrendered recently to us Maya and Millie. Both are approx 9 months old and a little nervous
of their surroundings right now, but to watch them run in the fields is a sight to behold. They
have condition to gain and are still at the awkward gangly puppy stage but these two girls
have the potential to be beauties. If you would like to visit our shelter please
email info at or contact Mary for an appointment on ....

Oval 5

ZitatCork Dog Action Welfare Group

Ich gehe davon aus, daß dieser Hund untergekommen ist.

Edit Oval am 24.6.13 - nicht mehr in der Vermittlung?

Millie icon_arrow.gif

Our young Grey Girls

As you know we are always promoting greyhounds and lurchers as pets. At the moment we
have many many looking for homes. It is so well worth going meeting these noble dogs who
are gentle and loving and good with other dogs. We have 2 young greyhounds who were
surrendered recently to us Maya and Millie. Both are approx 9 months old and a little nervous
of their surroundings right now, but to watch them run in the fields is a sight to behold. They
have condition to gain and are still at the awkward gangly puppy stage but these two girls
have the potential to be beauties. If you would like to visit our shelter please
email info at or contact Mary for an appointment on ....

Oval 5

Rehomed - DAAS - Dusty, Lurcher, male, brindle *?



ZitatDogs Aid Animal Sanctuary

Zitat von:'s our beautiful Dusty, he waited so long for his forever home and thanks to our great
friends in Sweden he has found a new happy life there. We'll miss you so much, a gentle
guy, his new family are very lucky x

Dusty, Lurcher, male, brindle *? icon_arrow.gif

Breed - Lurcher
Age -
Sex - Male

Dusty is a typical lurcher, he wants to spend his day in a comfy bed and
someone to pamper him! If you're looking for a couch potato Dusty is your

Suits - Any household

Oval 5


ZitatDogs Aid Animal Sanctuary


11.8.13 - REHOMED

3.6.13 - BOOKED

Leeroy, Lurcher, male, fawn *2012 icon_arrow.gif

Breed - Lurcher
Age - 1 year old
Sex - Male

Leeroy has only arrived in the sanctuary and is a gentle quiet soul.
We'll update his profile when we know more about him

Oval 5

Heute habe ich ein Album mit der Vorgeschichte gefunden zu
Offaly SPCA - Charlie2 - WHIPPET LURCHER CROSS, m, ~1 Jahr  icon_arrow.gif .............

Der hat wirklich Glück gehabt!

Oval 5



Hiccup, Lurcher X, m, 14 Wochen icon_arrow.gif

Hiccup is a 14 week old Lucher cross puppy & he needs a new home.
He is great with other dogs, cats & children. He's a great little dog &
is a typical puppy – full of fun!

Oval 5

RSPCA - Wellington, Lurcher/Wheaten Terrier cross, m, sucht wieder ...

Wellington ist wieder unter - hoffentlich klappt es diesmal :-)
This entry was posted in Happy Endings by Ros SPCA. Bookmark the permalink



15.5.13 - Wellington icon_arrow.gif   ist leider zurück - er ist nicht kompatibel mit Katzen und Kleintieren!!!

Diesmal stell ich ihn gleich ein - vielleicht sucht jemand genau diesen Hund und hat nicht
den Anspruch, daß er mit Katzen, Enten, Hühnern oder sonstigen möglichen Beutetieren
gut zurecht kommen muß.


Update, 11.4.13
Wellington – homed


Ich hatte ihn nicht eingestellt, weil ich dachte er ist nach drei Tagen im Neuen zu Hause,
aber weit gefehlt. Wellington scheint nach wie vor auf der Suche zu sein..

ZitatRoscommon SPCA

Wellington, Lurcher/Wheaten Terrier cross, m, *~2011

Date uploaded: March 17, 2013
Breed: Lurcher/Wheaten Terrier cross
Viewed: 936 times
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male

RSPCA -Wellington, Lurcher/Wheaten Terrier cross, m, *~2011 icon_arrow.gif

Wellington was found abandoned in the Lanesboro area, he took days to capture
as he was so frightened. He is underweight and had been sleeping rough, his fur
matted with turf which makes him look a sorry sight, but all of this will change
with time. He is still a very scared dog and will not take food from your hand, he
picks it up only when left alone. Now that he is in foster care he seems to like the
company of other dogs to reassure him and we hope to gain his trust once he
settles more. Wellington is about two years old he will be fully vaccinated and
neutered before homing, for now we want to concentrate on building him up and
encouraging him to be less withdrawn. We have no doubt he will respond and
become not only a very handsome dog but a truly loyal one. If you would like to
consider homing Wellington please email us your details or call on

Oval 5




ZitatDogs Aid Animal Sanctuary

REHOMED - DAAS - Ellie, roughcoated Lurcher, f, f, *2012 icon_arrow.gif

Breed - Lurcher
Age - 12 months old
Sex - Female

Ellie is a gentle quiet girl.
She's looking for a new home who can offer her cuddles and a comfortable bed

Suits - Any household

Oval 5

Zitat von:**UPDATE*** Sandy went to her new home yesterday!
So far so good but the resident kitty's need to get used to her



ZitatThe Doggie Lodge

TDL - Lurcher, f, f, *? icon_arrow.gif

Lovely Lurcher looking for a home.
Took her into The Doggie Lodge to save her from going to the pound.
Great with other dogs and has met the cat not a bother :)

Oval 5

REHOMRD - DPR - o.a.s. - Pixie, Greyhound, f, b, *~2008 

Donegal Pet Rescue

REHOMED - DPR - o.a.s. - Pixie, Greyhound, f, b, *~2008  icon_arrow.gif



Oval 5



ZitatGlencarraig Dog Rescue - Border Terriers/Greyhounds/Lurchers

Ben & Jerry 8 - Adopted

Meet Ben & Jerry 8/10 week old lurcher pups fb icon_arrow.gif

Zitat von: has a home to go to, but jerry is still waiting!!

Update 28.3.13 icon_arrow.gif