avatar_Oval 5

OUT and SAFE - suche ein zu Hause

Begonnen von Oval 5, 19.11.2012, 08h01

vorheriges - nächstes

Oval 5

AHAR - oasKP - Greyhound, f, bkw, probably breeding bitch


ZitatAnimal Heaven Animal Rescue

AHAR - Greyhound, f, bkw, probably breeding bitch icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

AHAR - oasKP240514 - Lurcher, m, bd, *~2008


ZitatAnimal Heaven Animal Rescue

AHAR - oasKP240514 - Lurcher, m, bd, *~2008 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

EDP - oas - Lurcher, fawn, adult, may2014



ZitatEnnis Dog Pound

EDP - Lurcher, fawn, adult, may2014 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

NCBK - Pound - # 538, Greyhound, f, bk, av300514



Zitat von: All about Greyhounds
Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/GreyhoundSos/posts/640506496017490We have rescue back up for this v friendly girl all we need now is a foster
home ....Please can someone foster this girl to get her out of the pound .
Need a home with Older Children or no children as we dont know her
background .Please Share ...

ab 2:48

ZitatNutts Corner Boarding Kennels

NCBK - # 538, Greyhound, f, bk, av300514 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

DID - MDP - Lance, Lurcher, m, bkw, *2012 - oas


ZitatDogs In Distrass

Lance...2yr old Lurcher... icon_arrow.gif


ZitatMeath Dog Pound

MDP - Lance, Lurcher, m, bkw, *2012 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

AHAR - oasKP300514 - Greyhound, f(?), bd, looks trained

ZitatAnimal Heaven Animal Rescue

AHAR - oasKP300514 - Greyhound, f(?), bd, looks trained icon_arrow.gif



Oval 5

von wegen vermittelt ...


ZitatZOE, 13.10.14

Zitat von: K9Interventions, 24.5.14
Zoe, mittlerweile 18 Monate alt, ist grade kastriert worden und sucht noch immer
nach dem richtigen Zuhause-Menschen ... 

Jetzt von North Hertfordshire aus...

ZitatZOE at K9Interventions

Hier geht es zu Zoes Vorgeschichte icon_arrow.gif

Oval 5

AC - Pandora - Lurcher, f, bdw, *~2011 - oasDP


ZitatAnimal Connexions

AC - Pandora - Lurcher, f, bdw, *~2011 - oasDP icon_arrow.gif

Oval 5

CSPCA - Lurcher, m, bd, adult, in090614 - Pound
CSPCA - Lurcher, m, bd, adult, in090614 - oas - Lennie, S222, *1/2013


ZitatCork SPCA

Lennie ist jetzt in der Vermittlung, hat einen Namen bekommen und einen Vermittlungsnummer: 
CSPCA - Lurcher, m, bd, adult, in090614 - oas - Lennie, S222, *1/2013 icon_arrow.gif

CSPCA - Lurcher, m, bd, adult, in090614


Oval 5

MDP - #? Leyla, Lurcher, f, bkw rough, surr100614, poor thing - Pound



Zitat von: DIDMeath Dog Pound

Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=832728120089922&set=a.746177782078290.1073741846.110925495603525&type=1&comment_id=833039783392089&offset=0&total_comments=10This lovely girl is gone to rescue....thanks to Collette & Larry for doing transport....

Zitat von: http://"https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=701473983222698&set=a.180392281997540.32710.114109535292482&type=1&comment_id=701664756536954&offset=0&total_comments=8GHIN: Just off the phone with the dog warden, this girl got a rescue space and is safe, there is still her friend who needs out asap.

MDP - #? Leyla, Lurcher, f, bkw rough, surr100614, poor thing - Pound icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

SDCC/ADP - Lurcher pup, red, in090614 - Pound

ZitatLimerick Animal Welfare

Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/CompassionForIrishGreyhounds/posts/541000442671765?comment_id=541178439320632&offset=0&total_comments=3We were delighted to welcome this little boy to the Sanctuary. He is really beautiful and he has settled down very well.



ZitatAshton Dog Pound

SDCC/ADP - Lurcher pup, red, in090614 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

LDP - Greyhound(?), m, bkw, verry friendly and thin - Pound


Stray - greyhound. V friendly boy. icon_arrow.gif

13.6.14 - Now at PAWS.


Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152481669814592&id=263076254591&comment_id=10152482927494592&offset=0&total_comments=8Transport sorted. Thanks everyone x

ZitatDog Shelter Longford

Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/DogShelterLongford/posts/667141010001424?comment_id=668539069861618&offset=0&total_comments=3THIS DOG HAS GONE TO RESCUE. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED YESTERDAY

Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/IrishPoundDogs/posts/584834291635815Is there anyone who could give this friendly boy a lift from Longford pound
to PAWS. It is urgent. If you can help, please pm Longford pound page. He
has recuse, very sad if he can't get there in time.

LDP - Greyhound(?), m, bkw, verry friendly and thin icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

WDP - India, Greyhound X, f, wbd, av130614

Zitat von: GHINGreat Hounds In Need daumen.gif

India says goodbye to the pound in Wicklow 

ZitatWicklow Dog Pound

WDP - India, Greyhound X, f, wbd, av130614 icon_arrow.gif


Zitat von: Chance


Oval 5