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OUT and SAFE - suche ein zu Hause

Begonnen von Oval 5, 19.11.2012, 08h01

vorheriges - nächstes

Oval 5

out and safe - Grace, a 15 month old Greyhound - Leitrim

out and safe - Grace, a 15 month old Greyhound - Leitrim  icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

Zitat von: 26.1.13Tipp-Off Animal Rescue
Please share............Anyone recognise this dog? icon_arrow.gif

Found staggering on the Roscrea/Birr Road in the past hour or so.
As you can see he is in very poor condition and may have been hit
by a car. Wearing a leather collar. Very thin, wet, dirty, pressure
sores and skin condition. Thankfully a kind lady stopped and picked
him up. Does anyone know him?



Zitat von: 22.1.13°°FOUND°° This lovely lady has been on the Borris road.
She is a friendly girl and was wearing a collar with no ID.

fb Repost  icon_arrow.gif

Oval 5

CSPCA - Teddy Reference number S023


fb icon_arrow.gif

Update 7.2.13 - 23h00
nicht mehr in der Vermittlung..
Das ist wie zu erwarten war schnell gegangen.

Oval 5

Oval 5

Oval 5

Oval 5

Der scheint in der Rescue zu sein jetzt

Zitat von: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=404243283000238&id=148748661824891Home pending (Evesham greyhound and lurcher rescue)

Pound Monaghan 127 Male Lurcher Stray 050213

Oval 5

hier gibt es Neuigkeiten - z.B. da icon_arrow.gif

Wer sich interessiert muß einfach gelegentlich durchschauen - ich stelle neue Entwicklungen zu den einzelnen Hunden wenn ich etwas finde jeweils im Beitrag dazu. Das sieht man dann nicht unter Neue Beiträge natürlich und ich kündige das auch nicht jedes mal extra an.
Nachdem ich aber vorhin für die Hündin einen Beitrag gemacht hatte, bis ich gesehen habe, daß sie ja längst hier eingestellt war, ist es vielleicht besser, ich lösche nicht nur den Beitrag, sondern zeige auch, wo der Inhalt stattdessen jetzt zu finden ist.

Oval 5

Oval 5

Oval 5

CSD - oas - Pound - Ref No 0581, Lurcher/Terrier 270213


ZitatCraigavon Stray Dogs

Zitat von: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=483065851740969&set=a.483065841740970.1073741825.288233101224246&type=1&comment_id=1652872&offset=0&total_comments=230.5.13!!! - Booked to rescue

CSD - Ref No 0581, Lurcher/Terrier 270213 icon_arrow.gif


Ref No: 0581, Lurcher/Terrier, Carrigart, Craigavon, date taken to kennels 27/2/13, available for rehoming from 4/3/13

Oval 5

ZitatDundalk Dog Rescue

Charley & Larry icon_arrow.gif

Charley & Larry in the field
Photos Aidan McCann

Zitat von: Louth County Pound
LCP - Ref Nr 7030, Lurcher, male roughcoated 11.3.13 icon_arrow.gif


Oval 5

Oval 5

ZitatLucys Trust

Video vom 10.10.13 icon_arrow.gif

Ein Traum von einem Hund! - Video 7.10.13 icon_arrow.gif

Captain Jack (und Xena) icon_arrow.gif

Anonymous Joe icon_arrow.gif

Er ist da angekommen.. soviel scheint sicher, denn der Raum ist für ihn fertig gemacht worden..

ZitatCraigavon Stray Dogs

Zitat von: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=541257682588452&set=a.541257529255134.1073741899.288233101224246&type=1&comment_id=1758789&offset=0&total_comments=10this particular boy has a space here at lucys trust promised for months,
a promise we intend to keep. we are currently trying to raise funds to enable us to
roof the outside pen, as this guy is an escape artist. the council have been very good,
and held on to him for quite some time for us. we hope in the very near future to be
able to get him out. please focus on sharing the other dogs, this guy is a very specific
case. thank you x

ZitatNeues Foto:

Craigavon Stray Dogs

Ref No: 0619, Bull Lurcher, male, Meadowbrook, Craigavon, date taken to kennels 4/4/13,
available for rehoming from 9/4/13

Zitat von: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=496496833731204&set=a.496496567064564.1073741841.288233101224246&type=1&comment_id=1681858&offset=0&total_comments=11Will ask them to get another pic! He's not as nervous as he was will let you stroke him now and enjoys it! He really is beautiful x

Zitat von: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=496496833731204&set=a.496496567064564.1073741841.288233101224246&type=1&comment_id=1596798&offset=0&total_comments=7He's stunning looking

Ref No 0619, Bull Lurcher, male icon_arrow.gif

Ref No: 0619, Bull Lurcher, male, Meadowbrook, Craigavon,
date taken to kennels 4/4/13, available for rehoming from 9/4/13

Altes Foto