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VERMITTELT - GRWE - Oscar und Blake - Oscar, Greyhound, Rüde, *?

Begonnen von Oval 5, 13.10.2012, 05h17

vorheriges - nächstes

Oval 5

Tierheim in Irland -> GRWE - Oscar, Greyhound, Rüde, *?

UPDATE 10. November 2012
Die Beiden verschüchterten Greyhounds Oscar und Blake sind von der Cork Dog Action Welfare Group in Irland
nach England umgezogen zu Greyhound Rescue West of England. Dort bemüht man sich nun um die Heilung
ihrer Ängste:

VERMITTELT (Dez 2012) - Oskar

Rasse: Greyhound
Geschlecht: männlich
Geb.: *
Contakt GRWE





Der erste Eintrag nach der Ankunft:
Zitat von: http://www.grwe.com/news_Latest.aspOscar & Blake arrive

Rebecca Burns, 10/11/2012

Oscar and Blake have arrived with GRWE in Somerset, having been rescued from terrible circumstances by Dog
Action Welfare Group, in Ireland.

Both dogs carry great emotional scars, and this
is intended to show how GRWE's rehabilitation skills are being employed to help these terrified greyhounds.

This is what Carol Baby said when they arrived...

Sept 20th:
"Oscar and Blake have come from Ireland from an unimaginably poor environment. Both dogs had grown
up in a kennel where they were seldom handled and both have an abject fear of people. On a human
entering their kennels both will try to hide in their sleeping area shivering with fright and Oscar will wet
himself. Our mission is to get them walking out comfortably on a collar and lead, to get them more
trusting of humans, and to eventually get them to a level of coping so that they can be homed. It is a
long term proposition. There are times when we have to call the pace. For example they are never going
to choose willingly to come out of their kennels when they don't know what is out there. So although we
need to be gentle, consistent and trustworthy there are times when we are going to have to say "Come
on boys you can do this" and very gently and insistently give them no choice. It is a fine line to tread.
Lead walking in safe quiet places, with other confident dogs, early on is important to help them start to
get exercise and to show them that actually it is fun out there. At the moment getting a harness and
lead on each dog is going to be a major task.
But they need to be walked in a harness to help them feel safe and to keep them safe from backing out
of their collars in fright. Using positive rewards is the way forwards but at the moment neither can take a
treat from a human hand, and won't eat if anyone is watching."


Ursprünglicher Eintrag bei Bulli in Not:

Zwei Grey-Rüden sitzen in einem irischen Tierheim und suchen verständnisvolle Menschen
in Deutschland, die mit Geduld und Liebe das Vertrauen der Beiden gewinnen.


Im Shelter aufgeschlossener Rüde, bei Fremden hat er noch Angst. Eine ganz arme Socke,
muß schlimmes erfahren haben. Verliert bei Angst auch ein paar Tröpfchen. Braucht jemand
mit Hund und viel Geduld, wo es nicht stört, dass er Anfangs noch Pipi verliert.

Oval 5

Tierheim in Irland -> GRWE - Blake, Greyhound, Rüde, *?

UPDATE 10. November 2012
Die Beiden verschüchterten Greyhounds Oscar und Blake sind von der Cork Dog Action Welfare Group in Irland
nach England umgezogen zu Greyhound Rescue West of England. Dort bemüht man sich nun um die Heilung
ihrer Ängste:

VERMITTELT (im Mai 2013) - Blake

Rasse: Greyhound
Geschlecht: männlich
Geb.: *
Contakt GRWE




Der erste Eintrag nach der Ankunft:
Zitat von: http://www.grwe.com/news_Latest.aspOscar & Blake arrive

Rebecca Burns, 10/11/2012

Oscar and Blake have arrived with GRWE in Somerset, having been rescued from terrible circumstances by Dog
Action Welfare Group, in Ireland.

Both dogs carry great emotional scars, and this
is intended to show how GRWE's rehabilitation skills are being employed to help these terrified greyhounds.

This is what Carol Baby said when they arrived...

Sept 20th:
"Oscar and Blake have come from Ireland from an unimaginably poor environment. Both dogs had grown
up in a kennel where they were seldom handled and both have an abject fear of people. On a human
entering their kennels both will try to hide in their sleeping area shivering with fright and Oscar will wet
himself. Our mission is to get them walking out comfortably on a collar and lead, to get them more
trusting of humans, and to eventually get them to a level of coping so that they can be homed. It is a
long term proposition. There are times when we have to call the pace. For example they are never going
to choose willingly to come out of their kennels when they don't know what is out there. So although we
need to be gentle, consistent and trustworthy there are times when we are going to have to say "Come
on boys you can do this" and very gently and insistently give them no choice. It is a fine line to tread.
Lead walking in safe quiet places, with other confident dogs, early on is important to help them start to
get exercise and to show them that actually it is fun out there. At the moment getting a harness and
lead on each dog is going to be a major task.
But they need to be walked in a harness to help them feel safe and to keep them safe from backing out
of their collars in fright. Using positive rewards is the way forwards but at the moment neither can take a
treat from a human hand, and won't eat if anyone is watching."


Ursprünglicher Eintrag bei Bulli in Not:

Zwei Grey-Rüden sitzen in einem irischen Tierheim und suchen verständnisvolle Menschen
in Deutschland, die mit Geduld und Liebe das Vertrauen der Beiden gewinnen.


Blake kam mit Oskar, auch sehr verstört.
Man kann ihn aber anfassen und er rennt nicht weg. Lebt zusammen mit 2 Hunden und
braucht auch ein geduldiges Zuhause.

Oval 5

BIG news for Oscar and Blake !
December 18, 2012

OSCAR is going HOME!!!!


BLAKE is going to Foster in the New Year!!


Oval 5

Es gibt wieder ein Update zu den Fortschritten von Blake

Blakey feeling his feet, and a reminder of this boy's sad history.

January 27, 2013

Following are a few pics of the brave boy to chronicle his progress ...

At first he would barely move from his crate in the kitchen – and I left it entirely up to

Oval 5

Blakey's first sofa!

February 11, 2013

Blakey tried his out for the very first time this evening. First he put his nose on it 
and ran  away, then he came back and tried a tentative paw  and finally, at the
third attempt, he crept up onto it very, very carefully.
"Blackys erstes Sofa!

11.Februar 2013

Blacky hat es diesen Abend zum ersten Mal getestet. Erst hat er nur die Nase drauf
gelegt und ist dann davon gelaufen. Dann kam er zurück und hat es mit seiner Pfote
ertastet. Beim dritten Anlauf schließlich ist er sehr sehr vorsichtig hinaufgestiegen....."

Übersetzung Oval@greyts.eu

klimper.gif Wird schon... nur weiter so!

Oval 5

28.3.13 - Blakey... handy around the house!  icon_mrgreen.gif

Blackey ist seit etwa 2 Wochen in der Vermittlung
Er macht Unfug im Haus und scheint sich tatsächlich zu erholen -
das war (und wird noch) ein wirklich langer Weg, der einem Hund
das Leben gerettet hat.

Oval 5


Blake at home!

Das war sehr viel Arbeit für zwei Hunde!!
Schön, wenn es sich zuletzt dann rentiert.
