Freitag, 14.03.2025
0 / 6°C
Sa, 15.03.
Leicht bewölkt
1 / 7°C
Leicht bewölkt
So, 16.03.
Leicht bewölkt
-1 / 8°C
Leicht bewölkt
Mo, 17.03.
1 / 6°C

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The Master Of Game - 1373?-1415

Begonnen von Oval 5, 07.05.2012, 04h46

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Oval 5

Of Greyhounds and of their nature

The Master of Game
Edward of York circa 1406
the oldest English book on hunting (1909)

Read online:

Author: Edward, of Norwich, 1373?-1415; Baillie-Grohman, William A. (William
Adolph), 1851-1921; Baillie-Grohman, F. (Florence); Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919;

Gaston III
Phbus, Count of Foix, 1331-1391
Subject: Horses; Hunting
Publisher: London : Chatto & Windus
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English; Middle English; Old French
Call number: 1910154
Digitizing sponsor: Tufts University
Book contributor: Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine
Collection: websterfamilyvetmed; blc; americana
Scanfactors: 4

Full catalog record: MARCXML

This book has an editable web page on Open Library."

Oval 5

ZitatS.14 -
Chapter II
Of the hare and of her nature
1 The hare was frequently spoken of in two genders in the same sentence, for it was an
old belief that the hare was at one time male, and at another femail.
See Appendix: Hare ->

S.219 - ".. In the Gwentian code of Welch laws supposed to be of the eleventh century, the
hare is said not to capable of any legal valuation, being in one month male and in another
femail" (Twici,p.22).
Certainly in many of the elder writings on hares the pronouns "her" and "him" are used
indiscriminately in the same sentence. Sir Thomas Browne in his treatise on vulgar errors
asset from his own observation that - S.220 - the Sex of the hare is changable, and that the
buck hare will sometimes give birth to young. Up to the end of the eighteenth century there
was a widespread and firm belief in this fable (Brehm, ii.p.626).  Buffon describes it as one of
the animal`s peculiar properties, and from the structure of their parts of generation he argues
that the notion has arisen from hermaphrodite hares, that the males sometime bring forth
young,and that some are alternately males and females and performe the functions of either

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