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Sport - Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know - von Tim Harris

Begonnen von Oval 5, 03.07.2012, 06h20

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Sport - Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Zitat von: www.ciando.comvon: Tim Harris
CCV Digital, 2008
ISBN: 9781409078104, 0 Seiten
Format: ePUB

Sport - Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Sport: Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know tells the story of sport. All sport.
Ever. From ancient times to the 21st century. In eight themed parts, Tim Harris
describes the triumphs and breakthroughs as well as the cheating and skulduggery -
that have created the modern world of sport. Part One looks at sports grounds, from
stadiums to ice rinks, explaining why golf courses have 18 holes, why boxing 'rings'
are square and why Woolwich Arsenal ended up in Highbury. Why do wickets have
three stumps? Why do we 'serve' in tennis and play soccer in halves? Part Two
uncovers the stories behind sporting rules, while the next section, on sports
equipment, shows why we row in eights, why cue balls have black dots and golf balls
have dimples. Why do teams score more goals at home than away? Why have women
got worse at shot putting? A history of sporting drugs reveals all. A swift history
of 'speed sports' - from chariot racing to Grand Prix explains why Formula One races
clockwise, why racehorses aren't getting any faster and the odd origins of British
racing green. Why compete for 'stakes' and hold 'whip-rounds'? Why doesn't the NFL
play on Saturdays? A section on money and sport tells all. Then sport and politics
uncovers the reasons why we ten-pin bowl with ninepins, why greyhounds aren't grey
and why rowing is so posh. Lastly, a history of games and the media tells of
racehorses starring on stage, boxers fighting inside cameras and just why the FA Cup
draw uses wooden balls. Dip into it, or read it cover to cover - there's a 'Oh - now I
get it' moment on every page. Sport: it's unique, funny, amazingly comprehensive
and packed with extraordinary anecdotes to turn any reader into a sporting expert.