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Ovals Linkliste

Begonnen von Oval 5, 31.05.2012, 20h47

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Oval 5

2.7. Veranstaltungen

+ www.hundetermine.de
+ Aktueller Kalender mit Hunde-terminen

+ - Kultur erleben auch mit Hund :-)

Oval 5

2.7.1. zu spät..

Oval 5

2.9. Urlaubs-Betreuung


Oval 5

2.10. Nähen und Basteln

* Materiallinks
+ Fettleder Meterware

* Arbeitsanweisungen
+ Flecht-Lederleinen selber machen
+ Dog it Yourself

Oval 5

Oval 5

3.5. Haltung und Pflege

+ OIE (World Organization for Animal Health). Chapter 7.1.
Introduction to the recommendations for animal welfare.
Terrestrial Animal Health Code 2010. Available at

GreyKen "This Site is designed to provide information of benefit to adopters of
the racing greyhound.  It includes information on how.........."

+ Animal Welfare Principles

+ Greyhound Guide (PDF)

Oval 5

Oval 5

3.8. Gesundheit - 1
Bitte bedenkt, daß Ratschläge in einem Forum nicht den Gang zum Tierarzt
ersetzen können und daß Ratschläge generell vor der eventuellen Umsetzung
unbedingt auf ihre Richtigkeit hin überprüft werden müssen.

+ OnlineÜbersetzer für medizinische Texte
WebAdresse eingeben -> "Medizin" markieren -> übersetzung starten   daumen.gif

+ Tiermedizinisches Begriffelexikon

* Allgemeine Links zu Tier-Gesundheit, Physionomie, Forschung etc;
auch speziell zum Renngrey

+ Robert L. Gillette - SportsVet.com

+ Health issues Dr. Suzanne Stack
+ Suzanne Stack

+ Health issues Dr. William E. Feeman III

+ Greyhound Tom/ Tom Meulman/ The Health of the racing Greyhound

+ Alessandro Piras: Vet On A Mission

+ Greyhound Quarterly Newsletter

+ Animal Medical Centre of Medina, Inc.

+ The Journal of Experimental Biology

+ Aktuelles aus Wissenschaft und Forschung

+ American Veterinary Medical Association

+ The Merck Veterinary Manual

+ VetInfo Kategorie: Dogs

VeterinaryPartner.com zu Fragen über Tiergesundheit, Medikamente,
Therapien, Chirurgie, Verhalten, oder Sicherheit

+ GreyKen Medical Link

+ GreytArticles Medical Links

+ International Greyhound Research Database

About the International Greyhound Database

This is the sixth edition of the International Greyhound Research Database and for the first time the Database is available on CD-Rom or via the World Wide Web. Again, it has been updated with the citations of new publications as well as having a number of older references found and included. All new citations all contain "2004" in the title.

There are three major categories of research efforts: 1) Clinical research by veterinary practitioners that daily treat these animals, 2) Institutional research by veterinarians or animal scientists on problems germane to the racing Greyhound industry, and 3) Human medical research by physicians and scientists using the Greyhound as a mode for human disease. There has long been a need to bring the work of all these researchers together, so that interested people can share the resultant advances in information and know to which "experts in the field" they can turn, if the need arises. The goal of this database is to compile and to make available all of the research results at an international level to anyone who can utilize this information
Veterinarians' Duties ........

Oval 5