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Greyhound Regularien für independent Tracs - UK 2010

Begonnen von Oval 5, 20.05.2012, 19h09

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Oval 5

Die Zeiten, in denen auf den unabhängigen Rennbahnen im UK keine Regeln galten, sind vorbei.
Ob deshalb schon alles gut ist darf getrost bezweifelt werden, andererseits liegt das in der Natur
der Sache bei Veränderungen: Prozesse gehen eben schrittweise voran.

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ARCHIVE: Animal Welfare Act Racing Greyhounds

Die Regularien


Hilfestellung zur Erfüllung der neuen Gesetzeslage für Betreiber unabhängiger Rennbahnen

ZitatThe Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010
Guidance for Independent greyhound track operators
The Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010 are in force from 6 April 2010.
The following guidance helps explain the requirements of the Regulations
Second version – February 2010
Defra Contact Telephone: 020 7238 5981
Email: animalwelfare@defra.gsi.gov.uk

© Crown copyright 2010
Copyright in the typographical arrangement and design rests with the Crown.
This publication (excluding the royal arms and departmental logos) may be re-used free
of charge in any format or medium provided that it is re-used accurately and not used in
a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as crown copyright and the
title of the publication specified.
This document is available on the Defra website:
Published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Betreiberlizenz für eine BAGS Rennbahn

Um einen Lizenz für eine unabhängige Hunde-Rennbahn zu beantragen braucht
jeder Betreiber (auch welche die schon länger dabei sind!) heute folgendes Formular,
Application for a Greyhound Racetrack welfare licence,
das konkrete Antworten auf Fragen möchte, die sich durch die veränderten
Tierschutzgesetze ergeben. Bisher war das nicht erforderlich. Besonders bezüglich
der Anwesenheit eines Bahntierarztes und der größe und Menge der Boxen gab es
auf den unabhängigen Bahnen bisher keine Vorschriften und je nach Betrieber waren
die Zustände sehr unterschiedlich.
ZitatThis form must be completed by any greyhound racing track operator in England
whose track is not regulated by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain. The Regulations
are new regulations and no previous forms have been designed.

edit 12.12.15 - Link repariert für die Hilfestellungen

Oval 5

5 Jahre nach der Einführung der Regularien macht die DEFRA jetzt
eine Umfrage
bis 31.12.15
über die Wirksamkeit der neuen Vorschriften.

Zitat von: Greyhound Trainers Association, LATEST NEWS FROM GTA
6th Nov 2015 - Consultation on the initial findings of the Review of the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010‏

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JR

Dear Stakeholder, 

Consultation on the initial findings of the Review of the Welfare Of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010

Defra are currently reviewing the effectiveness of the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010. As the Regulations have now been in force for 5 years, Defra wants to find out to what extent they have achieved their original objectives; are those objectives and scope still valid; and is regulation still the best option for achieving those objectives?

We have already gathered wide-ranging evidence in an attempt to answer the above questions and now want to hear your views on these initial findings as well as some of the proposed options for further action to address the issues raised. This consultation is an opportunity for anyone to comment on the findings, options and submit further evidence.

You or your members may have contributed to the initial evidence gathering stage of the review. If so, we would still like to receive your views on the overall initial findings. If this email has come to you as a representative of an organisation or forum, we would be grateful if you could forward this email to your members to alert them to this consultation. Their views would also be welcome.

Reflecting the evidence gathering work that had already been undertaken, this consultation will run for 8 weeks from 6 November 2015 to 31 December 2015

Please respond to this consultation using the Citizen Space consultation system: Click Here

This is our preferred method of receiving responses as it is the fastest and most cost-effective way for us to collate and analyse responses. However, if you wish to respond to the consultation by email or in writing, details of how else you can respond can be found in the 'Responding to the Consultation' section of the main consultation document.

Please make sure your responses reach us by 31 December 2015.

Email = AnimalWelfare.Consultations@defra.gsi.gov.uk
